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In a world where most of us push to be better everyday, many people are still unable to see their life in this way. Such people suffer from ENT concerning ailments like improper hearing and vision related problems; Mental health issues and general healthcare assistance which immensely hampers proper functioning of the body in day-to-day life. These ailments might not be a problem but unavailability of ample resources to treat them surely is.

Awakening India Foundation

Awakening India foundation has been projecting all its efforts in diverse directions such as physical and mental well being, aiming to transform the lives of those sections of the society which are generally overlooked merely due to unavailability of ample resources. Evolving through selfless endeavours, we pledge to create a society where life of dignity, productive minds and empathy for all become aspects of utmost importance to be guarded at all times.

Who Are We

Established in 2015, Awakening India foundation lays all of its emphasis on maintaining the lives of underprivileged and needful which require a hand to empower them amongst other people in the society through ENT surgical assistance, general healthcare and mental health solutions including Psychiatric and Psychological care. Initiating a hand never let us go down on the quality we render to people in making their life more worthy.

Our Vision

Awakening India foundation encompasses the factors that form the basis of a healthy nation. We see an India where no one is deprived to see and feel everything around as it is and where a grounded mind ably takes on each and every challenge presented on the platter of life. This vision drives us to help as many people in the society and curb the hindrances that come in between while serving the purpose. We believe a healthy tomorrow is a product of a steadfast start today.

Be A Part Of The Noble Cause To Strengthen & Uplift The Different Sections Of Our Society.

Our Values

Awakening India foundation imbibes values that foster the physical and mental growth of individuals suffering from ailments concerning these two pivotal aspects of life. Our values make us strive to provide a life of integrity to every individual irrespective of the financial hardships that are faced by them.

Our Inspiration

True motivation and inspiration are the fruits of the effort towards the well being of the society. The core of our inspiration lies within the people who are unable to cherish their lives due to ENT related issues like improper hearing and poor vision; psychological disorders like mental trauma, depression, anxiety, etc. Such people inspire and motivate us to contribute in every possible way for a brighter tomorrow.
People behind foundation


(Dr.) Niyati Dhawan


Dr Niyati Dhawan passionate and experienced psychologist professional. Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programing and Dermatologist

Dr Niyati has an experience of more than 9 years in the field of medical science. Contributing to society has always been of utmost importance to her. Some of the contributions where she feels fortunate is during various health awareness programs and treating people with mental ailments in the best possible way.

Some of her associations include positions like- Psycho and Neuro Analyst with Harsh Poly Clinic and psychologist with Sant Parmanand Hospital.

Prof. (Dr.) B.P. Tyagi


Dr Brij Pal Singh Tyagi  Gold Medalist, MS (ENT) MGIMS Sevagram. Is a skilled in general Otolaryngology, Head & Neck. He is a Specialist in Head & Neck Oncology Surgery, OSAS Surgery, Cartilage   Tymponoplasty and endoscopic sinus surgery.

Dr Tyagi entered the Limca Book of records for doing 55 ear drum operations (Endoscopic cartilage Tympanoplasty) in 17 hours 23 minutes on World Health Day (7 April 2015).

Born in a small village called Juletha, Meerut. Dr Tyagi completed his basic education from sardhana and later joined MGIMS Sevagram to do his MBBS and MS(ENT). Dr Tyagi aimed to be a doctor as he had seen lot of medical negligence in his childhood days. He dreamt to serve the poor and provide them with the best ever medical services.
A Glimpse of Our Efforts

Programme Gallery

True motivation and inspiration are the fruits of the effort towards the well being of the society.
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Awards and Credentials